Just to the west of the the yellowstone super volcano, there has been a 4.1 mag earthquake, but it seems to have not been reviewed by a seismologist. It does look more seismic, relating to regular fault movement, rather than volcanic. It took place in an area of normal seismic activity. I'll keep you posted on anything else going on in that area.
last night I spent some time looking at images of the eastern coast of Japan, from Chioshi, near Tokyo, on north to the far northern west coast. The tsunami damage has a very far range on the west coast of japan. Hundreds of miles away from the epicenter of last month's 9.0 mag earthquake, one can see even non-tsunami related damage! Chiba, in the Tokyo area sustained damage due to liquid action of the landfill there. That area is landfill, claiming part of Tokyo Bay, and there are dramatic videos showing cracks opening up and moving! I will post a series of these and others over time.
To see the damage to the Japanese coast, all you have to do is to go on Google Earth, zoom in on the northern west coast of Japan, and you will see the sad and wreaked towns, harbors, power plants and obviously lives. It's very clear even from Google Earth. It's sobering too.
Yesterday was one year ago from the 7.2 Mexicali earthquake that I personally experienced. That earthquake went on for about 40 seconds and it woke me up from a nap, where I was napping away some tequila! At first I thought that was simply the tequila, until the entire building clanked, rattled, squeaked, swayed, bounced and rolled. I got up and immediately went to a seismogram I keep on, and watched as the pen moved wildly up and down, passing magnitude markers like madness!
A lot of people ran outside, but I took to a strong part of the fiberboard wood California building and simply watched the seismogram and lamps move. It was pretty strong, alright. That shaking was in San Diego, just over a 100 miles from the epicenter of the quake. After that, I felt lot's of aftershocks months after, and sometimes still do. Moderate aftershocks are still kicking off in the Guadalupe Victoria and Mexicali area, and also in Ocotillo, California.
Here's a video collection, from a year ago, after I experienced the Mexicali 7.2 event.
The above is mine, made very quickly and posted a half hour after the quake. Not as exciting as the ones I'll also post, but a personal view of the event. I'm not just into sensational sharing, but prefer personal experiences and science. Below is a bit more sensational and yet personal as some young people experience the epicenter of the 7.2 quake while on the Mexicali-San Fillipi road.
Below is a cool Sat shot from space of that very same dust cloud that the Mexicali quake caused. In the area where you see the dust, there are presently many open fissures, and areas where hot steam is rising up. This is just west of an active volcano, Cerra Prieto. I often ask question on the effect this quake has concerning the magma chamber in this area. Apparently, what we're seeing in these videos is just dust.
Below is a Mexican fellow describing what he's experiencing right after the 7.2 Mexicali earthquake, and basically he's telling us about feeling the earthquake, and then he tapes the cracks and water coming up our of the ground. This is a fine example of liquidfication, where sandy or loose ground interacts with ground water to 'liquify'. This interaction causes the ground shaking to be more intense than it would be on bedrock and more solid ground.
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