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Other links for the curious:
Here are some interesting links about earthquakes, including a cool map of the earthquakes that have happened in and around Christchurch, New Zealand, even before today's deadly 6.3 mag quake. This map in interesting to watch. Check it out! Make sure you check the box to view the fault that is causing all this shaking. Before the Sept 2010 main quake, this fault was unknown!
Here is a good article in the LA Times that compares LA's earthquake experiences and that of Christchurch. It explains the passive building codes, and the nearness of the epicenter of the the quake in Christchurch as factors on why it was so deadly. I suggest reading it.
Also here is an App called Tectonic that lets you see recent earthquakes throughout the world with a 3D interactive globe display. It has many options and helps you understand and visualize how quakes happen along tectonic plate boundries.
These tools are great to use in the classroom or during homework sessions. It also is helpful for those wanting to monitor earthquakes in a new way.
Looking at the Christchurch earthquake footage on CNN, I am now thinking about what someone should do during an earthquake. I'm sure there will debate among public safety and emergency experts on whether one should run outside their building or should duck and over under heavy strong furniture. In the footage, you see people running and stumbling over rubble, as yet more debris falls from overhead. It's very eye opening footage.
Here are some more links concerning what is happening or what is not happening at Yellowstone. There are right now two sides of the picture.
One side states that it's simply non-seimic and a system error, perhaps due to the extreme cold at Yellowstone.
The other side of the story states that indeed there are earthquakes, and that the authorities are suppressing them.
he more information I come across the more possible either side of the story is. It benefits us to keep a sharp eye on the area, and find as many sources of information as possible.
I suggest caution when going on the conspiracy theory and rapture sites. I suggest being profoundly objective on this one. We don't need undue panic, but we do need caution and preparedness.
If this makes little sense, let's put it in a sentence. Be like an alert rabbit, ready to spring for shelter, regardless whether it's a wolf nearby or not.
Another thing to keep in mind is that this is unlikely to blow within a short span of time, for it may blow a hundred thousand years from now or simply next week. We don't know for sure.
There are teams of researchers and scientists that are working very hard to come up with reliable technologies that may someday detect precursors to volcanoes and earthquakes. There have been measurements of IM emissions around volcanos and faults over recent years, but the science community is seeking acute accuracy with these measurements and the technology that gathers them. That is why the science community has not yet drawn a conclusion on geologic precursors.
I do see that technology on the horizon, and we may see some of it applied within ten years or so. Believe me, the researchers are intensely trying to come up with a way to detect big events!
One thing I do ask of Big Government and other authorities, is that if they do wish to censor science, please refrain. Science should be for the public too, not just the leadership.
I also keep in mind that it is so hard these days for a research team to gain budgeting from the government, that they are very cautious on what they say. If a research team shouts wolf, and nothing happens, they run the risk of losing their budget for the next year. Politicians have gotten their grubby hands into science, and it's effecting what is said.
So if a cover up were to happen, I guess I should be understanding to some extent. On Sunday, I was not. I had blurted out that there was a cover up. I'm just a simple normal person with normal reactions to things.
These links are from both legit and paranoid sites, and I include both so that you can make up your own mind on which is bullshit, and which info is good.
Here is a page with a completely shut down seismograph. It's obviously down for repairs or shut off for unknown reasons.